Monday, January 3, 2011

Creating Relevant Content in Twitter

Anyone who is an avid user of Twitter (or Facebook lately) knows there is a LOT of chatter going on. If you follow a lot of people who tweet content several times a day, then keeping up with them all can be challenging. Add to that the pressure of entertaining, engaging and communicating with your own followers and you might just want to throw in the Twitter towel.

Enter This daily content aggregator is a great way to pull relevant content from the people you follow and publish to your followers in a newspaper format. Select content criteria from your Twitter feed, Facebook search terms, account names and other feeds to create a newspaper-like webpage complete with headlines, links, blog posts, photos, and video feeds including author bylines. Now I'm assuming you have already developed social media goals, a strategy and a tactical execution plan, right? Part of that strategy is developing interesting content that drives relevant traffic to your website, right? You know... topics that tie back to your business model and target audience. If so, then can help you publish that content to your feed on a daily basis. Some service benefits:

Easy to Set Up: You can set up your paper in just a few minutes at If you don't have a lot of time, the automated custom content tweet will provide your followers with an easy-to-read daily news format of topics that are important to your business.

Lots of Good Content: Content is published based on the criteria you provide. You can pull content based on a hashtag, account name or list you have created in Twitter.

Encourages Follower Interaction: Each day the will automatically publish a link to your custom newspaper including mentions of several followers who provided content. Why is this good? First of all, they will most likely click on the link themselves. Secondly, they will probably be inclined to share it with their followers.

Of course, there are many more bells and whistles in this nifty little app. Take it for a test drive and let us know what you think.

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